Friday, January 30, 2009

Snowed In

We've been living through the craziest winter storm in my living memory  for the past several days.  Snow, ice, more snow.  Thousands of people still don't have power 3 days after it went out--it's too cold for that.  I thank God more every day that we bought a house on a major street that gets turned on first.  School has been cancelled since Tuesday, but we're of course still responsible for all the material, so we've all essentially been studying like nutcases on our own all week, going crazy from the cabin fever and white nothingness outside our doors.  My dog doesn't even like going outside right now--the fluffy snow doesn't bother her, but she falls through the ice and slides.  There are trees down everywhere.  

All this combined has put me in a rough mood for the past few days.  I was just cranky and irritable and suspicious and all-around nasty sometimes.  That's when I thank God that even when I have terrible slips in attitude, D shows how much progress he's making by sitting down and talking it out with me, letting me be upset for no reason and patiently reasoning with me that we both need to step back and be more positive again.  So this morning I tried going back to my routine of prayer/meditation when I get up in the morning, and oh what a difference it has made today.  It's like the person I was for the past couple of days had forgotten the person I had been learning to be before that.  It's nice to relax a little more again and just do what I need to do--which, today, was get out of the house and do some shopping with my mom.  Tomorrow, going out for sushi with some friends.  

  • Today, I am grateful for my higher power for helping me get back on track, and for keeping me motivated to study all week rather than getting to next week and being completely overwhelmed with all the catching up that will have to be done.  

1 comment:

Sophie in the Moonlight said...

It's like the person I was for the past couple of days had forgotten the person I had been learning to be before that.

Oh, my, isn't that the truth. Very well said.

Just checking in. Haven't seen you around in a while.

(((big HUGS)))