Tuesday, April 14, 2009


As of today, D has the opportunity to "throw" for a promotion within his company.  He has applied for, interviewed for, and been rejected for such a promotion twice now.  He is more optimistic about his chances for this one because the manager for this particular department knows him, they get along well, and she has spoken very highly of him in the past.  

The past two promotions he applied for seemed perfect fits--down to the fact that at the first one, the manager wanted D to take "admin days" every Thursday where he would be able to leave early.  This was incredibly advantageous because Thursday is the day when, each week, D goes to his counseling class and (every other week) his PO appointments.  His current job allows him to customize his schedule and work weekend days in exchange for Thursdays. This promotion, however, may not allow him to take off Thursdays.  He's pretty sure that going to his specific class on Thursday is a non-negotiable part of his probation, and so he is discouraged that he may not be able to take a position that could be offered, thus black-listing himself for future promotions in the company.  He has decided to speak to the manager about the possibility before interviewing, but I know he is still worried (and I am, too) about all the possible negative outcomes.  And so, we are praying for the positives and the peace to accept whatever comes, but I would ask that anyone out there send their prayers, positive thoughts, good karma, etc.  his way (our way), because letting go of the future is still one of the hardest things to do. 

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